Mixing It Up: Painting Today
Published by Hayward Gallery Publishing23.2 x 28 cm176 pagesPaperbackISBN 9781853323744
Published on the occasion of ‘Mixing It Up: Painting Today’ (2021) at Hayward Gallery, curated by Ralph Rugoff and featuring a quartet of paintings by Graham Little, this comprehensive catalogue explores painting’s ability to creating correspondences between seemingly unrelated elements. Spanning three generations, the 31 included artists make the case that, in spite of its long history, painting may be the most relevant ‘technology’ for exploring our complex, image-saturated present.
This publication features an essay by Rugoff, as well as original texts from Jeremy Atherton Lin, Martha Barratt, Ben Eastham, Emily LaBarge, Rosanna Mclaughlin, Rianna Jade Parker and Attillah Springer.