Nicola L.: Chelsea Girl

Frac Bretagne, France

Lygia Clark: Retrospective

Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

Donald Locke

Spike Island, Bristol

Erika Verzutti

‘Transmissions: Selections from the Marciano Collection’, The Mariano Art Foundation, Los Angeles

Monica Sjöö

in ‘Good Mom / Good Bad: Unravelling the Mother Myth’, Centraal Museum, Utrecht

Carol Rhodes: Open Ground

VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art, Carlow, Ireland

Sophie Barber

in ‘Sussex Modern’, Towner Eastbourne

Sophie Barber

in ‘little tree’, Ginny on Frederick, London

Sagarika Sundaram

Recipient of Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program Residency

Announcing Representation of Bona de Mandiargues

Alison Jacques will present a solo exhibition of Bona de Mandiargues’ work in 2025

Three Films by Ana Mendieta

at Museum of Modern Art, New York

Fernanda Gomes

Whitechapel Edition

Ana Mendieta

in A Garden Manifesto, edited by Olivia Laing and Richard Porter

Gordon Parks: Camera Portraits from the Corcoran Collection

at National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.⁠