Review: Fernanda Gomes, Centre international d’art et du paysage
Simone Menegoi, Artforum
December 2013
There is a thread linking Brazilian Neo-concretism, which began in 1959, and the work of Fernanda Gomes, a Brazilian artist born one year later. Like the artists of that key movement, she marries abstraction with subjective expression and a phenomenological experience of space. But she carries both aspects to extremes.
On the one hand, Gomes loves the geometry of the line and the right angle, and she uses no colors other than white in her work, laying claim to some of the most radical instances of twentieth-century abstraction (from Malevich on). On the other hand, she systematically chooses ordinary materials and objects, from used furniture to cigarette papers, and her work entails a total immersion in the here and now of the places where she exhibits. […]